‘They say she was something
In those formative years….’
Tori Amos
A nun driving us to France in a bright red mini-bus, walking upthe hill from the school tothe church, And then that secondary school which was nothing short of hell. And the first person I confided in about my eating issues – a priest, who was, believe it or not helpful.
And then there was the sexual abuse. Not from anyone to do with the church but from a young man on my street. I remember reading an account of the cananonisation of a young seven year old girl who fought off her attacker so valiantly he killed her. I didn’t do that. I did the usual. I co-operated. This made me sob uncontollably at my GP’s desk. Why didn’t I fight hader?
And the pope is STILL dead.
And I wonder if he noticed my absense in the crowd